Student Accounts places registration holds on accounts with past due financial obligations. An obligation is considered to be past due for each semester if the payment arrangements are not finalized by the payment due date (or within 2 weeks of admission/registration for the semester). Holds prevent registration in future semesters for current students.
There is a grace period each semester before a hold is placed on the account. Holds are placed on accounts as follows (general guideline):
- Fall Semester: End of September
- Spring/Intersession Semester: February 1
- Summer Semester: June 1
- For all semesters that have multiple sessions, a 2 week grace period is normally allowed for registrations for sub-sessions that occur mid-semester
Balance thresholds for holds (If your total account balance is over the listed threshold then your account will be placed on a financial hold): *See Notes
- $2,500 or greater: Full-time Undergraduate students (12 or more credits per semester) who are charged a term rateĀ
- $1,000 or greater: Undergraduate students who are charged on a per credit basis. This would include part-time students and students in specialty programs (Degree Completion, Eve at AIC, College Steps, etc.)
- $1,000 or greater: Graduate students
- $1,000 or greater: Doctoral students
* Notes:
- Students who are not actively registered in the current semester (Withdrew, Leave of Absence, other) or are required to pay all financial obligations in full prior to being re-enrolled or be readmitted.
- Transcripts, diplomas and other official documents require all financial obligations to be paid in full.
- Additional holds may be placed on accounts once a student graduates or withdraws from the college if there is an outstanding financial obligation.
- Monthly payment plans must be in good standing (current on all payments) or the account may be placed on hold
- The college, at its discretion, may add/keep holds on accounts when there is a history of returned payments, a history of not following through on monthly payment plans, missing financial aid documents, or any other reason where the payment arrangement is not being adhered to.