Residency Requirement:
Many of our students say that living on our campus is one of the best parts of their college experience. We work hard to make each residence hall feel like its own community, and to make sure you feel like family. This is much more than where you sleep. It’s a place to hang out with friends. To finish your term paper, grab a tasty meal or throw on sweats and watch a movie. It’s a place to feel comfortable and safe. This is home.
Living on campus is a great way to get to know the college and other students. That’s why all of our full-time undergrads live on campus during freshman, sophomore, and junior years.
We do allow for some exceptions. If you are a freshman, sophomore, or junior (by credit as of the first day of classes in the fall), you may live off campus if you meet one of these requirements and complete the Off-Campus Residency Application:
- You live with your parent(s) or guardian(s) within 30 miles of AIC
- You are a legally responsible party for dependent children or other family members
- You live with your spouse
- You need special housing due to a physical disability that AIC cannot reasonably accommodate
If you are a senior (by credit as of the first day of classes in the fall) or are at least 23 years old, you may live off campus if you complete the Off-Campus Residency Application.
AIC Housing Agreement
The AIC Housing Agreement is a document where all housing policies, processes, and procedures are published. Students agree to the terms of this document when they apply for housing, and it works much like a lease agreement or another contract. A PDF version of the housing agreement is available here, but a copy is also emailed to the student's AIC inbox after a housing application is submitted. Important information in this document includes, but is not limited to:
- An agreement period lasts an entire academic year, both the fall and spring semester. This agreement cannot be broken mid-year.
- The Cancellation Policy which contains deadlines to submit a cancellation, penalty fees, and which students qualify to cancel their housing.
- Alcohol and drug policies.
- Prohibited items list.
- Check-in and check-out processes.
- Student responsibilities.
- Quiet hour policies
- All other pertinent information to the student's residential experience.
Students and any other folx supporting them should review this document prior to applying for housing or as soon as possible.