Apply for the 2024-2025 RA Position - Click Here for the Application!
Resident Advisors are vital members of the Residence Life team! A few of their expectations and responsibilities include:
Positive role models for peers at AIC
Commitment to their own growth and the growth of others
Open-minded and receptive to feedback
Interact with a diverse population of residents
Accept others and are approachable
Demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills (both written and verbal)
Show self-confidence, self-discipline, and self-awareness
Are able to solve problems and make sound decisions
Exhibit a positive attitude
Thank you for your interest in joining the Residence Life team at AIC! Please read below for more information on how to apply for the Resident Advisor position.
This application is for positions that begin Fall 2024. Successful candidates will need to complete a background check with Human Resources. Please fill out the following form to officially apply for the Resident Advisor position! This application is due by February 8, 2024.
RA Selection Timeline: