FALL 2024 CHECK IN & MOVE IN WEEKEND!WELCOME HOME, YELLOW JACKETS!NEW & TRANSFER UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTSResidential and CommuterCheck-In and Move-In Day for all new incoming students will be on Friday, August 23, 2023 9:00am to 12:00pm. Residential students should plan to check-in between 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.Commuter students should plan to check-in between 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
What To Expect:First, all students (residential and commuter) check in at the Karen Sprague Cultural Arts Center where they'll be picking up their AIC Student ID, and meeting with various AIC offices to make sure all students are ready to start their AIC journey.Parking will be available in Lot I, on Maynard Street, off of State Street for this step.CLICK HERE FOR A MAP OF CAMPUS!Second, after checking in at the Karen Sprague Cultural Arts Center, residential students will be able to start moving into their 2024-2025 housing assignment. Residential students will move their vehicle from Lot I to their Hall Move-In Tent, located at Magna Hall or Pouch Hall where students will be able to meet the Residence Life Staff and pick up their housing key. Third, lunch will be available for all students and their families from 12:00pm to 1:00pm in the Dining Commons. At 1:00pm, families and friends will depart, and students will start New Student Orientation.
RETURNING UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS & NEW GRADUATE STUDENTSPlease see below for your move-in information.
Arrive on campus: Friday, August 23rd between 9:00am-12:00pmLocation: The Karen Sprague Cultural Arts CenterParking: Lot I
*For specific directions, view the AIC campus map
It is strongly recommended that you return all financial information to the Student Accounts Office and health records to Health Services prior to check in to ensure a seamless process. The process may be longer if you wait until move-in day to meet with these offices. Please contact Student Accounts today to ensure a quick and easy move-in day! (413) 205-3254.After students have checked in at the Karen Sprague Cultural Arts Center, residential students will move their vehicle from Parking Lot I to Parking Lot E to pick up their residence hall key(s), unload their belongings, and start moving in!Lunch will be available for students and families from 12:00pm to 1:00pm. At 1:00pm families and friends and depart and new students will start New Student Orientation.New Student Orientation:New Student Orientation will run from Friday, August 23rd at 1:00 p.m. to Sunday, August 25th at 1:00 p.m.
ALL new incoming students (residents and commuters) MUST attend New Student Orientation. All students should plan on taking these days off from work and/or other personal responsibilities. Commuter students should plan to be on campus for each day’s programming.
Have questions? Call the Admissions Office at 413.205.3201 or email admissions@aic.edu.For the New Student Orientation Schedule click HERE!
Arrive on campus: Sunday, August 25th 9:00am - 4:00pmLocation: Check-in at your residence hall. Acorn Undergraduate Apartments Residents check in at Acorn Graduate Apartments.
*Remember, returning students will not be able to move-in to their assigned residence hall if their account is on hold. Please contact the Student Accounts Office if you have questions about your account.
If you have further concerns regarding the move-in process, please Contact Us.
STUDENTS MOVING INTO THE ACORN APARTMENTS (Undergraduate & Graduate):Arrive on campus: Graduate Students moving into Acorn Graduate Apartments may move in during the following times and locations:Friday, August 23rd 9:00am- 1:00pm (New Graduate Students)Location: Check in will be located in the Lobby of Edgewood Complex.You must go to the AIC Campus Police window, located in Hines Hall to have your AIC Student ID photo taken and your ID processed no later than Monday, August 26th.
Saturday, August 24th (New Graduate Students)Location: Keys can be picked up from the Edgewood Complex Lobby, located near Acorn Apartments.
You must go to the AIC Campus Police window, located in Hines Hall to have your AIC Student ID photo taken and your ID processed no later than Monday, August 26th.
Sunday, August 25th, 9:00am to 4:00pm (Returning Undergraduate and Graduate Students)Location: Check in will be located in the Edgewood Complex Lounge.You must go to the AIC Campus Police window, located in Hines Hall to have your AIC Student ID photo taken and your ID processed no later than Monday, August 26th.
LABEL BELONGINGS:There will be a lot excitement on campus on move in day! There will be a lot of people, and action going on and nothing would be worse than having one of your boxes of belongings lost in the shuffle. We suggest that you label all of your boxes with your first and last name so that if it's found, we can get it to you. MOVING CARTS, HAND TRUCKS & THE MOVE IN CREW:The College will have a limited amount of moving carts and hand trucks available to use during move-in. Additionally, there will be upperclassmen athletes available to help bring your boxes to your room (another reason why it's best that your boxes and belongings are labeled with your first and last name). BE READY TO GET YOUR STEPS IN:Moving in can take a lot of work, and can be physical. Hines Hall is an eight story building with two elevators. Pouch Hall is a four story building, without an elevator, and a flight of stairs to enter the building. For both buildings, we suggest that students and families wear comfortable clothing and closed toed shoes. COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR ROOMMATE BEFORE MOVE IN DAY:It's important for roommates to connect and communicate before moving in. Make sure that you regularly check your AIC Email to see if you've received any messages from your roommate. Talking to your roommate before moving in will allow you to start the conversation on things like who will bring what to the room (ex: who will bring the microwave) , how/if you'll share food, or how you both will want the room to look. Setting your roommate expectations early will help build a great and lasting roommate relationship.
Need to Move In Early?
Students are not generally permitted to arrive to campus before the designated move-in period. A roster of approved athletes in pre-season will be provided by fall coaches, and a list of approved student employees will be provided by on-campus supervisors. The Office of Residence Life only allows other students to move in early if there are extenuating circumstances. Students arriving to campus early will be charged $45 per night unless they are on the approved early arrival athlete or student employee list.
If you need to move in early, please login to the MyHousing Portal and submit an Early Arrival Application. Please visit our Early Arrival Website for all information regarding Early Arrival Housing.
Click here for updated information regarding Check-In, New Student Orientation, and Welcome Week!
Your residence hall is your home away from home, and it's important to strategize what to bring with you. Check out the What To Bring List for suggestions on items students should bring to campus, and to know what items are prohibited. For a full list of prohibited items, please review the AIC Housing Agreement.
Do you have questions about FAFSA, federal aid, scholarships, or loans? The staff in the Financial Aid Office would be glad to help!
Need to submit the Financial Responsibility Agreement? Have a question about your bill? Student Accounts can help!
Ready to connect your computer, phone, smart TV, or game console to the AIC wireless network? Click here for instructions on how to get connected!If you're having trouble getting your device(s) connected, the IT Help Desk can help! Visit them in the Shea Library, or give them a call: 413-205-3402
Student Parking Permits will be available for purchase online starting September 20th.
The AIC Campus Police Department is our central hub for all things campus safety. Their office is located in the lobby of Hines Hall, and they're open 24-hours a day, seven days a week.
All students will need to make a few stops on campus during Check In & Move In Weekend. Check out the campus map to know how to get to where you're going!