At this time, AIC does not own off-campus housing to offer commuting students, nor are there partnerships with the College to advertise rental properties in the area. Students renting properties are welcome to use search engines such as Zillow, Realtor, or any other rental website to find the best match for them. 

While AIC is not able to assist in finding commuter students off-campus properties to rent, we can assist in you searching for and matching with roommates. After you've applied and been approved for commuter status (apply for such in the MyHousing Portal), you'll be able to use the Roommate Search feature in the MyHousing Portal. 

To search for and match with roommates:

1.) Apply for Commuter Status and be approved (see application instructions above).
2.) Login to the MyHousing Portal
3.) CLICK: "Roommates/Room Selection"
4.) Select the term you are searching for roommates in.
5.) Search for roommates either by name, major, or other available attributes.

You can view a student's profile, send them a message, or send them a request to match as roommates in the MyHousing Portal.