After students have had the opportunity to match as roommates, their Priority Numbers will be averaged and their pick time will be released to them. Once a student or a group of students receive their pick time, they will be able to login to the MyHousing Portal at that time to select their room for the 2024-2025 Academic year. 

If a student or group of students misses their pick time, they will still be able to login to the MyHousing Portal to select any room still available to them. They will not be able to login to select their room before their pick time.

When Are Pick Times Created and Released:
Pick times are created on a rolling basis the week of housing selection, and they are released the day before at 4:30pm. If roommate pairings must be changed after each selection date, this must be completed between 5pm - 1am. Once pick times are posted in the MyHousing Portal, students will not be able to adjust their roommate groups as this will create an unfair process for students who meet the deadlines and may have their pick times affected.  Please review the following to further understand:

Day of Housing Selection Week Selection Process When Pick Times for the Day are Released 
Tuesday Acorn Apartments Housing Selection Monday at 4:00pm
Tuesday Edgewood & Broadhurst Suites Monday at 4:00pm
Thursday Traditional Double Rooms Wednesday at 4:00pm
Friday Unmatched Manual Placement N/A: students are manually placed therefore a pick time is not needed.