At first, it may seem like a great idea to live with your friends, teammates, or classmates based off of how you get along outside of a living space. Living with someone can be very different than working with them, or being friends with them, which is why we strongly encourage students to have a conversation with one another to find if they will be compatible as roommates before going into housing selection.

Some of the questions you should ask one another before matching as roommates are:

  • Do you want to live in the same residence hall next year?
  • When do you generally go to sleep and wake up on weekdays vs. weekends?
  • How do you plan to schedule sleep, study, and socializing time in your room/suite/apartment?
  • Do you have any unique quirks a roommate should be aware of?
  • When are you okay with guests coming into your room/suite/apartment?
  • How will you and your roommate keep your space clean AND tidy?