MassHire 360 Career Information System

Feel empowered as you launch into the workforce with a strong foundation of career and education preparation. Follow your own individualized career plan, supporting you as you research programs of study, careers, scholarships, and prepare to apply for jobs.

MassHire 360 CIS is a comprehensive online career exploration system offering current career, education, and labor market information to all Massachusetts residents for free, licensed by the MassHire Department of Career Services (MDCS). MassHire Career Information Systems is purchased with grants by the US Department of Labor (USDOL) Employment and Training Administration.

MassHire 360 CIS is supported by intoCareers. For over 50 years, intoCareers has powered high-quality career information and planning systems across the nation. As a non-profit, we focus all of our resources on promoting research-based, best-practice career information services. 

Visit MassHire 360 CIS here