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Team AIC Yellow Jackets in 5K Fundraiser

During these coldest days of the season, several AIC athletes and staff members are warming up for the Coldest Day 5K Walk/Run to benefit the Springfield Rescue Mission (SRM) on March 4, and you’re invited to join them!


SRM is a local employer that partners with AIC’s Saremi Center for Career Development, which offers an extensive list of full-time, part-time, summer, and internship opportunities through its job database.  Members of the AIC Women’s Rugby team will join College staff for this fundraiser to benefit SRM’s Emergency, Rehabilitation, and Community Food programs.


The in-person 5K Walk/Run, to be held on a USATF Certified Route, will take place Saturday, March 4, 2023, hosted at the historical Monkey House at the Zoo at Forest Park in Springfield. 


The regular registration fee is $35; however, SRM is offering a 40% discount to College students, reducing their cost to $21. Click here to join team “AIC Yellow Jackets” on the race registration website.

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