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AIC Launches Center for Sport Physiology and Exercise Testing (CSPET)

What if you, your student-athlete, or your sports team could use data-backed physiological testing services to improve health and athletic performance? With the help of the American International College (AIC) Center for Sport Physiology and Exercise Testing (CSPET), that’s now possible.


The state-of-the-art human performance laboratory in the AIC Colaccino Center for Health Sciences is the only one-of-its-kind in the Greater Springfield Area. CSPET features sophisticated testing equipment used to provide advanced exercise assessments and analyses in all aspects of health and performance, including:


BOD POD Body Composition Testing


The BOD POD is a body composition tracking system that utilizes air displacement plethysmography to accurately estimate the amount of fat tissue and lean mass within the body. This data is used to gauge athletic progress, performance, and overall health status. This safe, non-invasive, and accurate test is quick, lasting only about five minutes.


Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) Testing


The RMR test is performed to estimate the amount of energy that your body burns in one day. This fasting test is simple, non-invasive, and accurately determines how many calories you burn at rest, which will help you better understand the amount of energy you need from food.


VO2 Max Testing


During a VO2 Max test, your aerobic capacity and the maximal oxygen your body can consume during exercise are measured. Results will help you establish optimal heart rate zones for exercise to scientifically guide your training and indicate your risk for cardiovascular disease. The VO2 Max test is conducted on either a treadmill or a cycle.


Director of the AIC Division of Exercise and Founding Director of CSPET Susie Lachowski, PhD, CSCS, says with repeated testing over time, the center’s team can track an individual’s progress, and highlight areas of improvement that may need to be addressed. “I am excited to provide individuals, athletes, and coaches with exercise testing opportunities to enhance their performance, fitness, programming, and overall health-related goals.”


However, Lachowski adds that the CSPET program is not limited to athletes. It’s also open to AIC faculty and staff as well as members of the public who can access the same exercise testing services and education about their results. “The data from the various tests we offer gives individuals a baseline sense of where they are no matter their health or fitness goals.”


Working in the testing center benefits AIC students in the allied health professions, providing them with learning opportunities to advance their practical knowledge in Exercise Science. After being trained by faculty, the students gain valuable experience administering exercise testing protocols and educating participants on their results, setting them apart from others as they enter their careers. Lachowski says, “Providing applied learning experiences to our students where they can take the content they have learned within our courses and apply it to real-world scenarios is one of the most exciting components to all of this.”


The CSPET is now open to members of the College and greater Springfield communities, by appointment. AIC student-athletes, coaches, faculty, and staff may sign up for testing at a discounted rate. To request information or to make an appointment, please contact the CSPET online at

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