
In cases of a drug or alcohol emergency, the primary concern is the health and safety of the individual(s) involved. Students are strongly encouraged to call for medical assistance (413-205-3333) or contact a member of Residence Life for themselves or for another student who they observe to be or feel is dangerously intoxicated/under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

No student seeking medical assistance for an alcohol or other drug-related emergency will be subject to College disciplinary action for the violation of possession or consumption of alcohol or drugs. This policy shall extend to the referring student who sought medical assistance as well.

The student requiring medical assistance, and possibly the referring student(s), will be required to contact the Dexter Health and Counseling Services within two weeks of written notification to schedule a meeting and develop follow-up plans. As long as the student complies with all directives, there will be no disciplinary action taken related to the violation of possession or consumption of alcohol or drugs. Note: Although disciplinary action will not be taken, an educational project/program may be required.

This policy applies only to those students who seek emergency medical assistance in connection with an alcohol or drug-related medical emergency and does not apply to individuals experiencing an alcohol or drug-related medical emergency who are found by College officials (e.g., AIC police, faculty, administrative staff, or residence hall staff).

The Medical Amnesty Policy is not intended to shield or protect those students that repeatedly violate the Student Code of Conduct. In cases where repeated violations of the Student Code of Conduct occur, the College reserves the right to take disciplinary action on a case-by-case basis regardless of the manner in which the incident was reported.

Medical amnesty applies only to alcohol or other drug-related emergencies; it does not apply to other conduct violations such as assault, property damage, or distribution of illicit substances. If other violations occur, then a student will face disciplinary action for those violations. The use/or abuse of alcohol or drugs is never considered a mitigating circumstance for any other violations of the Student Code of Conduct.

Medical amnesty applies only to the College’s response to a medical emergency. Criminal and/or police action may still occur separately from the Office of Residence Life & Student Conduct.