The Committee on Academic Advising maintains a continuous review of undergraduate policies and procedures relating to academic advising. The authorities and responsibilities delegated to the committee include:

  • Develop and recommend for approval by Senate and/ or Committee on Academic Standards and Policy, policies and procedures pertaining to undergraduate advising which may include, but are not limited to, such specific areas as: 
    • Advising best practices
    • Development opportunities for advisors
    • Registration
    • Shared responsibilities between the Advising Center and Faculty Advisors, such as the procedure for transitioning an advisee from the Advising Center to an assigned Faculty Advisor.
  • Conduct ongoing evaluation of policies and procedures
  • Review and update the Undergraduate Academic Advising Handbook
  • Review Advising Center Operations Handbook and provide recommendations, as appropriate, to the Advising Center
  • Maintain communication with the Faculty Senate through regular updates at Senate meetings, as appropriate, and through the Chair’s participation in the semi-annual Faculty Committee Chair Council.