Starting at 5 p.m. on April 19, 2019, our EBSCO databases will undergo a software upgrade. This should take 24 hours. If you conduct a search while the upgrade is in progress you will not be able to access content. The affected databases include all 14 of our EBSCO databases (including ERIC and CINAHL), as well as the EBSCO Discovery Service. This is a necessary and crucial upgrade. Non-EBSCO databases are not affected.
To use non-EBSCO databases go to the library’s website and under Useful Links click on Databases. Go to All Vendors/Providers, which is the third drop down menu from the left. Choose one of the vendors listed (ProQuest, Gale, Sage, etc). Then choose a specific database. Login as you normally would.
We apologize for the inconvenience.