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Check Out Our New Databases!

Take a peek at four new databases that we’ve added to our collection.  To find them look for USEFUL LINKS on the library’s homepage located on the right.  Click on the Databases link to find an alphabetical listing of all of our databases, including the new ones listed below.  


Career Transitions allows you to create a resume or cover letter, find jobs, or take a career assessment.  It has great advice from experts about searching and getting a job.  One interesting feature about the database is that you can take a career assessment to find out what jobs you may be interested in. For students in APEX 2, 3, and 4 who need assistance with resumes and cover letters, or are about to embark on a particular career path, or who want current information about job offerings, it’s definitely worth checking out.  For the Career Transitions tutorial click here.


HeritageQuest is a genealogical database that has millions of publicly available records in which to find information about your ancestors.  Data sets include immigration records, city directories, census information, and much more!  Census records are rich in details, such as the household’s occupants age, occupation, education level, and a list of people living in the same dwelling. HeritageQuest is a helpful resource for history or sociology students trying to find information about their ancestors and how they worked, functioned and existed within the greater society.  For the HeritageQuest tutorial click here.


Opposing Viewpoints is an informational database that gives differing opinions about a current controversy. You can browse hundreds of topics or do a search on a divisive topic to find information on both sides of an issue. Results come from a variety of sources such as news articles, magazine reports, statistics, opinion pieces, audio and video clips. It’s of great value to students in freshman level composition classes.  For the Opposing Viewpoints tutorial click here.


ProQuest Science is part of suite of ProQuest research databases that the library subscribes to.  It supports the needs of students in the applied and general sciences, and it’s search interface will be most familiar to students who are accustomed to searching for peer reviewed articles.  A unique feature of ProQuest Science is that the user is able to add other ProQuest databases to broaden the search.  For the ProQuest Science tutorial click here.

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